Womble Perspectives

Flying into the Future with Electric Aviation Innovations

July 25, 2024 Womble Bond Dickinson
Flying into the Future with Electric Aviation Innovations
Womble Perspectives
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Womble Perspectives
Flying into the Future with Electric Aviation Innovations
Jul 25, 2024
Womble Bond Dickinson

Today's commute is defined by traffic - will tomorrow's be defined by flying cars or an eco-friendly air taxi?  The electric aviation industry is making leaps and bounds, reshaping our skies with electric aircrafts using Vertical Takeoff and Landing, also called eVTOL, and electric Conventional Takeoff and Landing, referred to as eCTOL. Companies like Joby Aviation, Archer Aviation, and Beta Technologies are at the forefront of this revolution, driven by advancements in AI and innovative designs.

Read the article.

About the authors:
Shari B. Domow Bacsardi
Dillon A. Redding
Alexander R. Lowitt

Show Notes Transcript

Today's commute is defined by traffic - will tomorrow's be defined by flying cars or an eco-friendly air taxi?  The electric aviation industry is making leaps and bounds, reshaping our skies with electric aircrafts using Vertical Takeoff and Landing, also called eVTOL, and electric Conventional Takeoff and Landing, referred to as eCTOL. Companies like Joby Aviation, Archer Aviation, and Beta Technologies are at the forefront of this revolution, driven by advancements in AI and innovative designs.

Read the article.

About the authors:
Shari B. Domow Bacsardi
Dillon A. Redding
Alexander R. Lowitt

Welcome to Womble Perspectives, where we explore a wide range of topics, from the latest legal updates to industry trends to the business of law. Our team of lawyers, professionals and occasional outside guests will take you through the most pressing issues facing businesses today and provide practical and actionable advice to help you navigate the ever changing legal landscape.

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Today's commute is defined by traffic - will tomorrow's be defined by flying cars or an eco-friendly air taxi?  The electric aviation industry is making leaps and bounds, reshaping our skies with electric aircrafts using Vertical Takeoff and Landing, also called eVTOL, and electric Conventional Takeoff and Landing, referred to as eCTOL. Companies like Joby Aviation, Archer Aviation, and Beta Technologies are at the forefront of this revolution, driven by advancements in AI and innovative designs.

In this episode, based on an article originally published in Monitor Daily, we’ll explore the current progress, innovations, and the pivotal role of AI in electric aviation, an industry undergoing transformation thanks to electric propulsion.. 

Electric Vertical Takeoff and Landing aircraft are designed to take off, hover, and land vertically. This makes them ideal for urban air mobility, where space is limited, while electric Conventional Takeoff and Landing aircraft operate similarly to traditional planes but with electric propulsion. They take off and land on runways, making them suitable for longer distances.

The road to getting an eVTOL certified by the Federal Aviation Administration is long and rigorous. Joby Aviation recently celebrated a significant milestone by completing stage three of the FAA-type certification process, which involved submitting comprehensive certification plans covering various aspects of the aircraft, including structural, mechanical, and electrical systems.

With stage three completed, Joby is now poised to enter stage four, which involves extensive testing and inspections. If all goes well, Joby aims to receive its type certificate by the end of 2024, with commercial operations starting in 2025. However, given the complexity of the certification process, a more realistic entry-into-service date could be in mid-2027.

Meanwhile, Beta Technologies is making waves with its dual focus on eVTOL and eCTOL. The company’s CX300 eCTOL aircraft promises the environmental benefits of electric propulsion while using conventional takeoff and landing methods. This positions it to integrate seamlessly into existing airport infrastructures.

Beta Technologies is also pioneering the development of a national electric aircraft charging network. They recently installed the first electric aircraft charging station at a U.S. Department of Defense site and have activated 19 locations nationwide, with over 50 more in development.

Another company, AI BOT, envisions a future where autonomous eVTOLs become a reality. While the FAA is currently focused on manned eVTOLs, AI BOT is pushing the envelope with AI-driven autonomous flight technology. 

And AI is already making significant contributions to electric aviation. For instance, Avidyne’s PilotsEye Vision System uses AI to scan the airspace for other aircraft, weather developments, and potential hazards. This information is then organized into an easy-to-use display for pilots.

Additionally, Systems Technology, Inc. has partnered with AI Redefined to develop the world’s first eVTOL pilot training simulation. This AI-powered simulation technology helps train pilots in a realistic yet controlled environment.

Both eVTOL and eCTOL aircraft are expected to hit the market within the next few years. While the certification process is lengthy, the potential impact on urban mobility and the broader aviation industry is enormous.

Ubiquitous electric and autonomous aircraft would mean faster, quieter, and more efficient air travel, powered by advanced AI systems that ensure safety and streamline operations.

Whether it's the progress in certification, the groundbreaking innovations, or the intelligent applications of AI, electric aviation is set to revolutionize the way we think about flying. Stay tuned as we continue to soar into this exciting future.

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