Womble Perspectives

House Moves to Strengthen Defense with Bold Anti-China Measures

June 27, 2024
House Moves to Strengthen Defense with Bold Anti-China Measures
Womble Perspectives
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Womble Perspectives
House Moves to Strengthen Defense with Bold Anti-China Measures
Jun 27, 2024

In today's rapidly evolving geopolitical landscape, national security remains at the forefront of legislative priorities. The U.S. House of Representatives recently passed the National Defense Authorization Act, or NDAA, for 2024, introducing several robust measures aimed specifically at countering the influence of China.

Read the full article.

About the authors
Kristina M. Moore
Carol Lee
Amy Lyons

Show Notes Transcript

In today's rapidly evolving geopolitical landscape, national security remains at the forefront of legislative priorities. The U.S. House of Representatives recently passed the National Defense Authorization Act, or NDAA, for 2024, introducing several robust measures aimed specifically at countering the influence of China.

Read the full article.

About the authors
Kristina M. Moore
Carol Lee
Amy Lyons

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In today's rapidly evolving geopolitical landscape, national security remains at the forefront of legislative priorities. The U.S. House of Representatives recently passed the National Defense Authorization Act, or NDAA, for 2024, introducing several robust measures aimed specifically at countering the influence of China. 

The NDAA is a critical piece of legislation that shapes U.S. defense policy. It allocates funding, sets priorities, and establishes programs for the Department of Defense. This year, the House has introduced potent anti-China measures within the NDAA, reflecting heightened concerns over China's strategic maneuvers. 

The NDAA is an annual bill that outlines the budget and expenditures for the U.S. Department of Defense. It’s essentially the legislative backbone of U.S. defense strategy, ensuring that the military is funded and equipped to address current and future challenges.

The NDAA is more than just a budget allocation; it's a strategic document that guides U.S. defense operations and priorities. Each year, its passage ensures that the military is prepared to respond to global challenges, maintain readiness, and develop cutting-edge technologies. This year’s emphasis on anti-China measures signals a significant shift in defense focus, marking China as a primary strategic competitor.

The 2024 NDAA includes several key provisions aimed at mitigating China's influence on global and domestic fronts. These provisions target various sectors, from technological research to supply chain integrity, highlighting the multifaceted approach the U.S. is taking to counter China's strategic advances.

The House's approval of the NDAA marks a critical step in the legislative process. The bill passed with a vote of 217 to 199, reflecting a strong bipartisan commitment to national defense. The Senate Armed Services Committee also approved a $912 billion version of the bill, which will soon be voted on. Once both chambers pass their versions, a reconciliation process will ensure a unified bill is presented to the President.

The NDAA's anti-China provisions aim to curb Chinese influence across various sectors. These measures reflect growing concerns over China's military capabilities, technological advancements, and economic strategies. By addressing these issues, the U.S. aims to safeguard its national interests and maintain global stability.

The NDAA has introduced several measures aimed at countering Chinese influence. It has allocated specific funding for the Department of Defense office responsible for maintaining the 12 60 H list. Additionally, it places restrictions on research institutions to limit their interactions with Chinese entities. One notable requirement is a mandated study on shipping containers originating from foreign adversaries. These actions are intended to bolster U.S. defense capabilities and minimize reliance on Chinese entities.

These measures are crucial for maintaining a strategic edge over China. By targeting key areas of Chinese influence, the NDAA aims to protect U.S. interests, bolster national security, and promote fair competition in global markets. 

So what is the 12 60 H list?

The 12 60 H list identifies Chinese military companies operating within the U.S. economy. This list is instrumental in monitoring and restricting the activities of these entities, ensuring they do not undermine U.S. national security.

The NDAA allocates specific funding to the DoD office responsible for maintaining the 12 60 H list. This funding ensures thorough and accurate monitoring of Chinese military companies, allowing for timely and effective action against potential threats.

Companies on the 12 60 H list face significant restrictions, including bans on DoD contracts and renewals. Starting June 30th, 2026, these companies will be further restricted, preventing them from renewing existing contracts. Businesses must conduct due diligence to avoid associations with listed companies, as reputational risks and legal consequences are significant.

The NDAA also prohibits DoD-funded research institutions from forming agreements with entities of concern, particularly those linked to China. This measure aims to safeguard advanced research and technological developments from foreign influence.

These restrictions limit Chinese companies' access to cutting-edge research conducted in the U.S. This move is designed to protect intellectual property and maintain the integrity of U.S. technological advancements.

These new restrictions build on existing policies aimed at countering foreign influence. They reinforce the commitment to protecting U.S. research institutions from undue foreign intervention, ensuring that American innovations remain secure.

In addition, the NDAA mandates a comprehensive study on the production and acquisition of shipping containers from foreign adversaries, primarily China. This study aims to assess dependencies and vulnerabilities within the supply chain.

The motivation behind this provision stems from the revelation that over 95% of global shipping containers are manufactured in China. This dependency poses significant risks to supply chain security and national interests.

The study could lead to new regulations or restrictions on the use of Chinese-manufactured shipping containers. This may compel businesses to diversify their supply chains, investing in compliance and disclosure policies to meet new legal requirements.

The anti-China provisions in the NDAA are likely to strain U.S.-China relations further. These measures signal a robust stance against Chinese influence, potentially leading to heightened tensions and reciprocal actions from China.

U.S. companies working with Chinese entities will need to adapt to new restrictions and regulations. This may involve restructuring partnerships, enhancing compliance measures, and seeking alternative suppliers to mitigate risks.

Chairman Moolenaar emphasized the NDAA's significance, stating, "The 2025 NDAA is a victory for the American people and our courageous servicemembers. I’m proud that the House has taken decisive action to enhance the Department of Defense’s ability to identify Chinese companies working on behalf of the Chinese military, prevent future Chinese drones from dominating our air space, and advance American research security, among many other accomplishments."

The Senate is expected to take up the NDAA in July. Further legislative actions will involve reconciling the House and Senate versions to present a unified bill to President Biden. These steps will determine the final shape of the NDAA and its provisions.

The House's passage of the NDAA with strong anti-China measures marks an important moment in U.S. defense policy. These provisions are designed to counteract Chinese influence, protect national interests, and strengthen U.S. security. As we move forward, the implementation of these measures will play a critical role in shaping the future of U.S.-China relations and ensuring the resilience of American businesses.

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